Monday, October 5, 2015

Visit to Big Infusion Room today for initially unknown reason

I am tempted to give up on posting this week because twice I have had to start over by publishing the post and then going back to it for editing and finding that it is gone and I cannot find it.  Daniel has helped me several times in the post but I won't see him again until Friday.  The first time I was interrupted by Emma wanting to look for an email that should have come last Friday.  I didn't find it and when I go back to the post the only thing I found was a blank page with six words at the top.  And the second time there were only 2 words  I don't know why I lose my work, I suppose a loose finger touches some key that wipes out what I have written, but it seems to only happen when I am trying to post and not when I write letters using Microsoft Word.

I was called last Friday asking me to come at 9:30 today and report to the Big Infusion Room at the far end of the second floor without telling me why.  I did so and found the traffic to be heavy and hard to find parking spaces.  Checking was inefficient and after I had done so I was told to wait for someone to take me in.  Lily, nurses' aide took me to a seat where I waited again for a couple of nurses who asked if I wanted to be stuck and I told them no that I have a port and have had it since August 2009.  They then informed that  I am to have an Aredia  in addition to the Velcade  that I thought I had come for.  I told them I last had an Aredia infusion on July 13 and was not due for another until October 13 and I would not have one today because I need advance notice in order for me to bring enough reading material to last 4 hours.  And besides, I had an appointment at the Heiden Davidson Orthopedic clinic for therapy at 1:00 PM.  After getting the infusion I was permitted to leave and I went to Clinic C registration to complain about lack of information and to ask for a print out of my schedule for the next 3 months.  When this was given to me it was all on one page and I was told that a patient coordinator would come talk to me about my schedule.

The patient coordinator, a lady I have seen around but don't know her name, told me she knows that  I like my schedule in calendar form and she will prepare one for me that I can pick up on my next visit.  I told her that I won't be coming back until the 26th so she said she will mail it to me.

I did not post last week because I ran out of time with 2 clinic visits and preparation for a trip to Cedar City on September 29 to see 2 plays on the 30th as a celehration of my birthday, which we did last year and had such a good time that we decided to ds it again  this year.

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