Monday, October 12, 2015

Today is the first Monday that I was not scheduled to go to the BMT clinic but I did go to the Heiden Davidson clinic

My visit to the Heiden Davidson orthopedic clinic had been scheduled for a therapy session at 1;00 PM  today and I was glad to keep the appointment because I had fallen in the shower this morning landing on my right buttock and had a hard time getting up and I had a sharp pain in my buttock.  Sabrina wanted to know why I had fallen and told me I should sit on the bench instead of trying to lift my right leg up to dry it because my left leg isn't strong enough to support my weight.  She then had me sit on a cold pack until I felt chilled.  Amy, the other therapist came in and the two of them wanted to know what Dr. Heiden had said when I visited with him on the seventh. He had said that even though my range of motion in my right arm is good I need to strengthen it and he said I should have the therapists write down the exercises they want me to do at home.  Sabrina printed out a sheet of diagrams that showed the newer exercises that will help me with my legs and I had write on the sheet the time of each and the frequency.  She said I should come for another 2 weeks, but I am only authorized by Humana to have exercise through October 15 so she said she will get authorization for 2 more Monday visits and then call me to confirm that they are set.

I was almost late to the clinic because I needed to take an application for a rebate from Rocky Mountain Power on the new picture windows that we had installed in our Living Room that the installer had told me to call RMG about.  Their rebate program seems to promise a rebate of 50 cents per square feet on these windows.  I filled out part of the application and part was to be filled out by the company (K-Designers) who supplied and installed the windows.  I regarded a rebate of $80.00 sufficient incentive to submit the application.  But the company made my life miserable by needing to have the application in their hands before completing it.

I have been looking in the mail every day for a calendar type schedule for my on-going visits to the BMT clinic as I was promised following my visit to the Big Infusion Room on October 5.  The single page schedule I now have does not show any details in its 2 lines per visit and does not show an Aredia infusion anywhere, which somewhere near October 13th I should have by comparison with previous schedules.  That is what the nurses in the Big Infusion Room wanted to give me on the October 5 visit and which I refused.

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