Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 4 routine changed because of the diarrhea I have ben suffering from since last Friday

We woke up to a rather light snowfall this morning and I was rather slow about getting ready to go to the clinic because of the recurring diarrhea, which started last Friday morning and has not abated yet.  I went in the Lexus and got there five minutes late because the roads were wet although there was no snow build up on them.  I checked in and was relieved that the lady who checked me in did not ask me for my insurance card or ID, which has been a nearly universal request.  I had locked my wallet in the car, but wore my hat, which I normally leave in the car.  One of the other patients remarked about never having seen me with a hat before.  I  waited in the hallway waiting area for more than 30 minutes before Craig came to take me to the weighing room.  He asked how I am and I told him that I have been suffering from diarrhea since last Friday; information which he passed on to the nurses in the Infusion Room and soon Mary, PA, came to tell me that they didn't want to give me the Velcade because of the diarrhea and that I should defer the Velcade until my scheduled visit on Dec.7.  I agreed to this.  She also said that they wanted a blood test and a stool sample, which she wanted to see, but she never came back.

Camille was my nurse and she soon put a line in my port and drew one vial of blood, and hooked me up to a large bladder of saline.  By this time it was almost noon so I called Emma on my cell phone, which she had insisted that I carry with me, to let her know that I wouldn't be home until after 1:00 PM.  Olivia  a pretty young registration clerk, came by and asked if I would like a piece of pizza that had been ordered for the interested staff.  She said they had 3 varieties and what would I like; I told her to surprise me so she came back with 3 slices, one from each of the pizzas and wanted me to take all 3.  I told her I couldn't possibly eat more than one so she brought me a paper towel and a napkin and told me to take my pick.  I chose the peperoni and roasted mushroom and enjoyed it..  In the meantime the saline was dripping through rapidly, but not so fast that I could go to the restroom, without it.  She went in to the nearest restroom and prepared it for collecting a stool sample and told me to close the door after I finished and Craig or someone else would come in to take care of the sample.  I noticed that Craig had divided the sample into 3 parts and came back for labels.  Camille removed the line from my port and I left soon after.  I had not been told when I might learn what the tests indicate; with my only instructions were to try to drink 2 liters of water each day.

We have a 2-volume set of books from the American Medial Association in which I found directions for making a solution to restore minerals lost from the diarrhea, which called for 1 teaspoon of salt and 4 teaspoons of sugar dissolved in a quart of water.  Not having a suitable quart container I have on several occasions used 1/4 teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of sugar dissolved in 8 ounces of tap water to make the replenishment drink.  Not very tasty but drinkable.

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