Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Extra long visit at BMT clinc Monday

I had an appointment at 10;30 Monday and got there almost on time and was able to park very near the elevator lobby even though I was driving my pickup.  We were expecting a carpet laying crew to arrive in the afternoon and I left the Lexus for Emma even though it was low on gas.  My nurse for the visit was Laurie and she was fairly prompt about putting a line in my port and told me that the Aredia and Velcade had been ordered this made me think that I would get home early; however a lady from the registration lobby came to take orders for sandwiches and I was assusred that I would be there long enough to want a sandwich.  How right they were; the sandwich was delivered just before noon, but the Aredia infusion, which was to last 4 hours, had not been started and wasn't until after 12:30.  My hope of getting home early had evaporated by then.  I had eaten a fairly large breakfast and didn't become hungry enough to start on the sandwich until about 1:00 and ended up taking half of it home when I finally left at nearly 5:00. Laurie had told me that she would have me out by 4:00, but she didn't come close.

Several other nurses or other hospital employees had stopped by my chair to enquire about my health and progress and I was able to get some good advice from Jennifer and the when Carol, an earlier patient coordinator, came by I asked her about the modified schedule that Mary Steinback had told me when I saw her on June 22, that they would work up so that I wouldn't have the late appointments and most would be at 10:00 or 10:30, much more to my liking.  Carol came back a little later with a new patient coordinator, Loudon, who presented me with the new schedule that doesn't have any 1:00 pm appointments and is what I have been asking for.  I have told them that I don't like the late appoinments because I have to cope with the going home traffic, which can be quite bad.  And was even worse Monday.  It was after 5:00 before I  left the parking garage and I was in a permanent traffic jam on the campus roads and Foothill Blvd until I got to I-215.  I called Emma from one of these jams to tell her how late I was going to be and she told me that  Kersten, our grandaughter, was coming and bringing Fern, our great-grandaughter, so I should try to hurry, which was impossible. When I fnially got home the carpet crew was there with much more work to be done.   It was far to late to think about posting on Moday and I didn't do it yesterday because Daniel had promised to come for coffee and to help with any chores I might have.  I needed him to help with the dining room table that I had damaged by breaking one of the gate legs and wanted to get the damaged leg off so that I can repair it before setting it up on the new hardwood floor in the dining room.  This turned out to be a much bigger problem than either of us had expected.

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